Combo clips from Battlefield America, Three Rivers, Grey’s Anatomy, Hawthorne and Raising the Bar.
In this rollicking comedy, Gary Anthony Williams tries, and succeeds, in scamming a good-natured jeweler.
A retired doctor is grilled by a young woman who may has come across a birth record with suspicious entries.
In Ava DuVernay’s last film before she became a super-star director, Bruce plays the Chairman of a Parole Board that gives no ground to the heroine’s incarcerated husband.
Based on a true incident, a military man tries to supervise an Atomic Bomb test in the Nevada desert, that goes terribly wrong.
When 8-year old Jack uses the ‘N’ word at school, his expulsion leads to a confrontation between his parents (Anthony Anderson, Tracee Ross) and the School Board President, (Bruce). (comedy)